What time is the communication vs. Malacateco for the Guatemalan National League?

What time is the communication vs Malacateco for the Guatemalan

Communication vs. Malacateco They will meet LIVE in the second leg of the quarterfinals of the season this Saturday, December 2nd, from 5:00 p.m. (Peruvian time). Guatemala National League. The game will be played at Carlos Salazar Jr. Stadium and will be broadcast by Channel 11 and Tigo Sports Guatemala. In addition, you can follow all the incidents of this and other games today on the La República Deportes website.

What time does communication take place vs. Malacateco?

The duel between Communication vs. Malacateco It starts at 5:00 p.m. on Peruvian territory and at 4:00 p.m. on Guatemalan soil.

  • Paraguay: 6 p.m
  • Peru: 5:00 p.m
  • Colombia: 5 p.m
  • Panama: 5 p.m
  • Mexico: 4 p.m
  • Guatemala: 4 p.m
  • Ecuador: 5:00 p.m
  • Chile: 7:00 p.m
  • Argentina: 7:00 p.m

Which channel broadcasts Communications vs. Malacateco?

In Guatemalan territory, the signals are responsible for television transmission Communication vs. Malacateco These are Canal 11 and Tigo Sports Guatemala, which own the rights to the local championship.

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Which channel is Tigo Sports?

The Tigo Sports signal in Guatemala to watch the classic Communication vs. Malacatecocan be tuned through channels 6 and 706 of the Tigo cable operator.

How to watch Communication vs Malacateco online?

So that you don’t miss the broadcast Communication vs. Malacateco online, download the Tigo Sports app or visit the website chapintv.com. You can also follow the ONLINE coverage of this game via La República Deportes, where you will find all the details of the duel such as goals, moves, summary, among others.

Communication vs. Malacateco: possible alignments

  • communication: Pérez, Gordillo, Pinto, Lezcano, Contreras, González, López, Aparicio, Corena, Robles, Anangonó. Photo: FC Communications
  • Malacateco: beeing confirmed.

Where does Communication vs. Malacateco come from?

The venue for this game is the Carlos Salazar Hijo Stadium, which has a capacity of 10,000 spectators.