When fiction becomes reality

Fiction novels have always been a repository of ideas for scholars.

Jules Verne predicted that people would listen to the news instead of reading the newspaper, except you, dear readers, it happened!

The special genre of SCIENCE FICTION even has this technological peculiarity in its name: it is about the telling of fictions that are based on scientific and technical advances that are impossible according to the current state of our knowledge.

Touchscreen tablets from “2001: A Space Odyssey” or “Star Trek”, Bluetooth headsets for spies, video conferences from “Blade Runner”, smartwatches, drones, 3D printers or virtual reality headsets, all of this has gone from fiction to reality become reality.

Dune, Herbert's 1965 novel, is a fountain of technological feats, some of which we really need! The story is about the planet Arrakis, a vast desert where, despite harsh climatic conditions, life remains thanks to certain technologies…

Roland Lehoucq, astrophysicist at the Atomic Energy Commission, teacher, author and popularizer, examined the story of Frank Herbert, which undoubtedly remains one of the most fundamental and influential works of science fiction worldwide. In his conference “Dune – exploration of a planetary universe“, held at the Fleurance Astronomy Festival in 2022, focuses on some scientific aspects of the work. What can we say about the planet Arrakis? How does a distillate actually work? Why don't the Fremen use solar energy? Can we really move by folding space?

The Astarac Cinema in Mirande, as part of its partnership with the Astronomy Festival and its Ciné Science cycle, invites you to watch or re-watch this conference on the big screen of the cinema and offers you the opportunity to ask the speaker all your questions Roland Lehoucq, who will exchange views with the audience via video at the end of the conference.

Of course, this Ciné Science session took place on Saturday, March 16th, during the DUNE MARATHON. Today you can discover the two parts of the spectacular film adaptation of the book by director Denis Villeneuve.

At 1:30 p.m. the first part of the film “DUNE”, which will be released in cinemas in 2021, will be shown, at 5 p.m. there will be a CONFERENCE and discussion with astrophysicist Roland Lehoucq and at 8:30 p.m. “DUNE: PART TWO” will be shown. , which was just released on February 28, 2024.

For this occasion, a food truck will be set up near the cinema to provide you with food throughout the afternoon!

“Dune” is not just for science fiction fans, it is a huge fresco that deals with ecology, politics, psychology and metaphysics. It is also a reflection on power, religion, consciousness, immortality, the long-term survival of humanity and its relationship to technology.

So reserve your Saturday, March 16th to immerse yourself in the world of Dune.

Saturday, March 16th at the Ciné Astarac in Mirande

  • 1:30 p.m.: “Dune” by D. Villeneuve
  • 5:00 p.m.: “Conference by Roland Lehoucq “Dune – Exploring a Planetary Universe” Adult price €6, child price €4.
  • 8:30 p.m.: “Dune: Part Two” by D. Villeneuve

Films at usual cinema prices. Reduced price for the second film upon presentation of the ticket for the first film! 🙂

Snack on site.

Reservation by email: cine-astarac (at) orange.fr