Why America Needs KissingerStyle Diplomatic Wisdom

On the US political stage, Kissinger represents the pragmatic force committed to contact and dialogue with China.

Henry Kissinger

China International Radio Chinese President Xi Jinping met with former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in Beijing on Thursday (20). Xi Jinping recognized Kissinger’s historic contribution to promoting SinoUS relations and deepening friendship between the two peoples. Kissinger said ChinaUS relations are of paramount importance to both countries and to world peace and prosperity, and said he will continue efforts to deepen mutual understanding between the two peoples.

On the US political stage, Kissinger represents the pragmatic force committed to contact and dialogue with China and to dealing appropriately with differences between the two sides. This force is capable of formulating a rational and constructive policy towards China from the pragmatic point of view of genuinely protecting US interests. Analyzing the history of ChinaUS diplomatic relations, it is not difficult to see that the development of ChinaUS relations is generally smooth when the voice of cooperation with China prevails in Washington, but on the contrary faces challenges and trials.

As a personal witness of ChinaUS contacts and negotiations, Kissinger is aware that the Taiwan issue is the most important and sensitive core issue in SinoUS relations. During his visit to China earlier this year, he told President Xi Jinping that one must heed the principles set out in the Shanghai Communiqué and understand the importance of the oneChina principle for the People’s Republic of China. Washington politicians who continue to “play with fire” on the Taiwan issue should heed this centuryold man’s admonition.

The Chinese say, “Gain new knowledge by studying old ones.” Over the past 52 years, China and the United States have worked together and made many important contributions to the wellbeing of both countries and the world. Today, US policymakers must look to history for answers on how to view China, how to deal with it, and what is truly in the US national interest. The future of ChinaUS relations depends on today’s decision and cannot be separated from the analysis of historical experiences. For bilateral relations to move forward, the US side needs Kissingerstyle diplomatic wisdom.