Woman who denounced Felipe Prior says in an interview with “Fantástico”: “There was no way out”; Clock

Next Sunday’s program “Fantástico” will report on the case of former BBB Felipe Prior, who was recently sentenced to six years in prison for rape. In the preview published this Friday (14), the victim describes the sexual violence she suffered while traveling in a car.

“He is much stronger than me, so there was no way out of this situation,” the woman described. According to the broadcaster, she will continue to speak out about her experiences and the trauma she is subjected to after the abuse. “I thought I could put that out of my life and move on like nothing happened. But that didn’t happen,” he added in an excerpt published by g1. Regard:

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NOW: Fantástico will update F&lipe Pr1or on the sexual violence case he has been accused of. ⚠️ #Fantastic | #EarthPassion | #JornalNacional

— Brenno De Moura  (@mbrenno_) July 15, 2023

Although this was the content creator’s first conviction, Prior has been accused of sexual abuse on other occasions. In 2020, Marie Claire Brasil magazine published an investigation against the architect. The episodes reportedly took place between 2014 and 2018 and included moments at InterFAU games promoted between architecture and urban design students at some universities. Prior commented on the facts at the time, rejected the allegations and protested his innocence.

That same year, the former BBB was embroiled in a new sexual harassment case. The incident report, published by journalist Leo Dias, revealed that the victims reported the incident as assault and sexual harassment, detailing how a man ran his hand down her back to her buttocks. The influencer also vehemently denied having harassed anyone. “Never did. I would never lay hands on a girl. I even have witnesses who saw everything,” he assured.

Understand the new case and conviction

Felipe Prior was convicted of rape in court. The decision, issued on Saturday (8), relates to an incident that took place in the city of São Paulo in 2014. According to Judge Eliana Cassales Tosi Bastos of São Paulo’s 7th Criminal Court, the former BBB must serve six years in a semiopen regime. The information comes from UOL in a report this Monday (10).

The conviction is in the first instance and Prior is free to appeal. The case is kept secret. The complaint was filed in 2020, with the victim simply identified as Themis. “He used physical force to inflict violence, aggressively moving the victim, holding her arms and waist and pulling her hair. At that point, Themis urged him to quit, saying she did not want to maintain sexual relations,” the decision said.

According to the judge, there are no doubts about the crime, since the victim’s medical certificate shows a “laceration in the genital area”. The judge also considered at the trial printouts of messages between Themis and the defendant, testimonies from the young woman, the prior and witnesses from both. So far, neither the former BBB nor his representatives have commented on the ruling.

The victim’s lawyers are pleased

The victims’ representatives celebrated the “relief” with the court decision after three and a half years of proceedings. “Our client was attacked, we lawyers were attacked a lot in this process and this conviction is confirmation that we were right from the start,” stressed Maira Pinheiro.

However, the lawyers still intend to appeal, believing the sentence should be higher “given the brutality of the crime”. “We hope that in higher courts the sentence will be increased and the regime closed,” he said. “We hope this conviction will serve as a lesson and a warning to people who continue to celebrity this guy and are wondering if they want to associate with a convicted rapist,” he added.

For Marie Claire magazine, Maira deplored the use of “misogynistic arguments” by Felipe Prior’s defense. to defame and portray them as promiscuous, to discredit them. Luckily, the lying and pornographic version of the attacker didn’t catch on,” he said.

The lawyer assumes that Prior will be convicted in three other cases. In this case, the sum of the penalties must be more than 24 years of conviction. Juliana Valente, Maurício Dieter, Caio Patricio de Almeida, João Bechara Calmon and Guilherme Perissé also help in Themis’s defence.

After his conviction, Prior spoke this Monday (10). Taking to Instagram, the former BBB posted a note written by his attorneys saying he would appeal the decision. Read the full statement by clicking here.

How do I report a case of sexual abuse, rape and/or assault?

In Brazil, the Dial 100 service is a federal government number that provides guidance and registers cases of human rights violations. Open daily from 8am to 10pm. Women who experience physical, psychological or sexual violence can also contact the women’s counseling center on 180. The phone is available 24/7 throughout the country and abroad. The complaint can still be submitted using the form available at https://ouvidoria.mdh.gov.br.

Rape victims can also visit hospitals for sexually transmitted infections (STIs) prevention, seek psychological care, and legally terminate their pregnancies. When intending to make a complaint, it is important to go to a police station specializing in women’s support or to the nearest police station.