Women talk about the strangest things men do on dates

Women talk about the weirdest things men have done on dates, from eating her dinner when she went to the bathroom to taking his girlfriend to shoot rats.

  • A group of women talk about the most awkward dates they’ve ever had
  • From orders to shoot rats in a landfill to lectures on sea creatures
  • They shared their stories after one woman admitted she was obsessed with them.

Hundreds of single women have come together to share their worst first date stories, admitting that the path to love is full of awkwardness.

The viral thread was started by a woman who admitted she became “obsessed” with bad dating stories after hearing her own friends complain about men.

“My friend’s date ate her entire sushi roll when she went to the bathroom,” the young woman said.

This woman couldn't believe her date didn't pay for her food after she asked her out to dinner

This woman couldn’t believe her date didn’t pay for her food after she asked her out to dinner

And soon hundreds of others were telling their horror stories, including one woman who was excited to try target shooting on her first date.

“He told me that he liked hunting and target shooting, and I thought it was like a fun date,” she said.

“It’s not like that, he took me to the landfill to shoot the rats,” she said.

While another woman said that her date took her to the aquarium, despite the fact that she hates anything to do with fish.

“He kept telling me how much he hates fish and how stupid they are,” she said.

When she asked why he bothered to go to the aquarium, she was told that he wanted her to understand how much he dislikes marine life.

But it wasn’t just about arranging a date and choosing an activity—others were baffled by the choice of food on a date.

“I ate something I didn’t like, so the guy I was with told me to spit it on his hand,” said one woman.

“Then he ate it and said he would have asked me to ‘mother bird’ to him, but didn’t want to scare me on our first day,” she added.

While this woman decided not to see her boyfriend again after he revealed his true nature

While this woman decided not to see her boyfriend again after he revealed his true nature

While another claimed her date raved over and over again about being rich before deciding not to order anything for her dinner date.

When the bill arrived, he gave it to her and said, “Well, you ate and I didn’t,” she said, furious that he had asked her out and picked a restaurant.

While another woman felt like she dodged a bullet after a first date when her would-be lover revealed his true colors early.


Have you ever been on an awkward first date?

  • Yes, wince. 2 votes
  • Yes, but not as bad as these. 1 vote
  • No never. 0 votes

“He told me he tested positive for chlamydia but was fine because he went back to his ex and had unprotected sex while infected so she rotted from the inside without knowing it.”

She suggested that this act was a form of revenge after the man found out that his ex had cheated on him, but decided never to speak to him again.

Another woman who decided not to date her boyfriend again said that he was a con artist in the script and the consequences were almost deadly.

“I went on a date with a guy I knew at work. There was an emergency in the middle of the day and he asked me to take him to the hospital, he asked me to come with him,” she said.

Before revealing: “His wife tried to commit suicide after I took him out of her house (I thought it was his house and he even told me she was his sister and his daughter was his niece)” , – she said.

One woman said she once thought that “bad date” stories were mostly creative exercises until she experienced them firsthand.

This woman was very embarrassed by her companion's actions but eventually found a funny side

This woman was very embarrassed by her companion’s actions but eventually found a funny side

“One day a guy took me to a corn maze and a little kid jumped out of it to ‘scare’ us (it wasn’t haunted, the kid was just having fun) and my boyfriend told him he was going to kidnap him and cut him up. from his language. The child was six years old, she said.

Another said: “Why are people always commenting on these things saying they’re fake, it’s all very plausible.”

But some men chose to stand up for their fellow storytellers, especially the “rich man” who didn’t pay the bill.

“He didn’t eat anything, why should he pay,” said one man.

But others on the chat insisted that he was in bad shape and that he wasted his girlfriend’s time by taking her out to dinner just to sit down with a glass of water.