World’s Weirdest & Spookiest Islands: What’s Inside Can Be Spooky Ecoo

There are places full of mysteries, and among them there are several places among the strangest islands in the world that not only ask us a question, but also leave a lot of charm.

What are the strangest and most mysterious islands in the world?Sable Island in Canada (photo from Youtube screenshot) –

The strangest islands in the world. There are really many, both in shape and size and in other properties. Such as the existing flora and fauna. One of the first places we think of when we talk about the strangest islands in the world is Easter Island. Territorially it belongs to Chile, although it is very distant from South America and also from Oceania. easter island stands out in the middle of nowhere and the Pacific Ocean.

It is so named because the first European to set foot there, Dutch explorer Jakob Roggeveen, in 1722, landed there exactly at Easter of that year. The island was once lush, but over the centuries, and from 1100 B.C. BC, native populations have given way to deforestation, to say the least: destructive. The most famous feature of the site are the large Moai statues: they date back to 638 and probably had a ceremonial function for the deceased tribal leaders.

The strangest islands in the world, from the Philippines to Canada to Argentina

Vulcan Point, Philippinesis literally “an island within an island”. In fact, there is a considerable amount of land that can be defined as a rock or other formation rising up in the middle of a lake on a larger island. The lake is the crater lake that originates in the Taal Volcano on Volcano Island. And again, Volcano Island lies within the larger island of Luzon.

What are the strangest and most mysterious islands in the world?Vulcan Point in the Philippines (photo from Youtube screenshot) –

Sable Island in Canada it has the shape of a crescent moon. It is very long and very narrow and has been the scene of numerous shipwrecks in the past. And we don’t know how, but there are several horses in this place. In Argentina, here is the island of the floating eye, which stands out in the delta of the very long Paranà river. The expansion is 4880 kilometers. Why float? Because it spins, perhaps due to the combined action of wind and some sort of underwater current.

The earthly paradise in Yemen and the mystery of Gaiola in Italy

What are the strangest and most mysterious islands in the world?The island of the floating eye in Argentina (photo from Youtube screenshot) –

The island of Socotra is located in Yemen in the Arabian Sea. The plants found here are beautiful, with the most colorful shapes and colors, such as the dragon’s blood tree, bottle trees and cucumber trees. It is a true paradise on earth. And what about that inhospitable Rockall Island? A big rock in the North Atlantic where it is not possible to live, since it is very small and does not have the necessary horizontal space. But it is in a strategic position. And there is no officially recognized nation to which sovereignty can be ascribed.

Italy also has one of the strangest islands in the world. let’s talk the Isola della Gaiola in the Gulf of Naplesand is an integral part of the Gaiola Underwater Park. It is very small and actually consists of two large islands connected by a bridge. On one of them there are two secular villas built by Luigi de Negri from 1874. The Neapolitan population considers Gaiola a cursed island, since practically all of its owners died prematurely and suffered disasters. There are many stories that speak of murder, insanity, suicide and failure. And the matter is also about Gianni Agnelli, who also reported on Gaiola and who has always had a troubled family history due to various deaths. Today the island belongs to the Campania region.

The snow-capped volcano in Australia and the history of Howland Island

Porcupine Islands: We are based in Maine, on the North Atlantic coast of the United States and are so named because of the resemblance of their shape to the typical quills of the porcupine. There are legends about pirate treasures that lay there for more than three centuries. In Australia there is the remote island of Hearddownright inhospitable and practically only populated by FochAnd. However, there is an active volcano that sometimes emits smoke and lava flows. All in the middle of the snow that covers it.

What are the strangest and most mysterious islands in the world?La Gaiola in the Gulf of Naples (photo from Youtube screenshot) –

Finally there they are Howland Island in the Pacific Ocean. Lies west of Kiribati, north of the equator (what Hurricanes never cross it for a reason), belongs to the United States. This place is linked to the mysterious disappearance of the American aviator Amelia Earhart, who should have landed there in 1937, but all traces of her flight have disappeared. She was the first woman in the world to cross the Atlantic. is accurate where the submarine Titan tragically imploded. Back to Howland Island: It has the special feature that it is the last place in the world where the date changes every day.