Zaragoza: The woman accused of murdering her eight-month-old baby faked a kidnapping | Company

Zaragoza The woman accused of murdering her eight month old baby faked

On Sunday around 7:40 a.m. a woman called 091. It was Tatiana Diguele, whose face had been broadcast 24 hours earlier for disappearing in Zaragoza with her eight-month-old son. In that call to the National Police office, she reported that she was on the street after being kidnapped by a Moroccan couple and that she knew nothing about her baby. Two agents went to the point he indicated on Vía Hispanidad, a long avenue not far from his house, but what they heard from his story did not suit them. Her baby lay dead behind a bench a ten minute drive from this location, and now she is accused of murdering him. She will appear in court this Wednesday and undergo a psychological examination.

The desperate search for the woman and baby named Juan Carlos began early Saturday morning. At two in the morning, the child's father and the mother's partner went to the police station in the Delicias district to report the disappearance of both of them. Based on the man's information, the matter was classified as high-risk from the start. All search mechanisms were then activated and SOS Desaparecidos distributed the picture of the two. The police contacted the entire family and urgently requested the responsible investigative court to intercept the missing woman's telephone and telematics communications. In the letter of demand they pointed out that there was a risk to the life or physical integrity of the minor.

Less than 48 hours later, the woman's call came. Agents found her on the street and came up with a story that was disjointed and “rife with inconsistencies,” police sources say. She told them about an attack on her and her baby by a couple, she said they had been arrested and she hadn't heard from the child for hours. At that moment, investigators notified homicide detectives on suspicion of criminal evidence. These police officers questioned the woman and she eventually recanted the story of the assault and kidnapping.

Less than two hours after that call, he drove her to a location less than ten minutes' drive away, next to a train station and close to the CaixaForum in Zaragoza. They found the baby behind a stone bench and next to some bushes. According to preliminary autopsy results, the child died of asphyxia, and according to sources familiar with the case, investigators concluded that it was not an accidental death or the result of recklessness. The woman is pregnant again and is in the first few months of pregnancy.

Investigators have exceeded the allowed 72 hours before the woman must be brought to trial. During this time, they have carried out all sorts of procedures, such as checking surveillance cameras, further questioning family members and identifying possible witnesses. Ultimately, the inmate was charged with murder because the victim was clearly unable to defend himself. This morning she will meet with her lawyer, she will undergo a psychological analysis by the coroner and finally she will be presented to the judge who will decide whether she will be sent to prison or to a psychiatric facility.

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