Zezé reveals who he has publicly declared himself to be and assumes: "He has" Focus TV

Singer Zezé Di Camargo ends up “cheating,” which he recently publicly declared, explaining his reasons for such a decision

and the singer Zeze di Camargowho occasionally gets into controversy, this time he ended up betraying whom he has already declared publicly, and published the verb explaining everything that happened.

The famous man, who is the father of singer Wanessa Camargo, took the opportunity to explain his point of view on certain issues in an interview with the F5 portal.

Zezé Di Camargo was famously an outspoken supporter of Jair Bolsonaro in the 2022 presidential election, which was won by PT candidate Lula. However, after some time and in the face of all the antidemocratic acts that have happened in Brazil, the sertanejo declared: “I am not Bolsonaro”, betraying the one whose supporters he had publicly declared.

He went on to explain why he needs to cheer for the current president now: “When I’m on a plane, I hope it doesn’t crash because I want the pilot to fuck off. This is ignorance. Now Brazil has a new driver, I have to cheer for him. I’ve always had political opinions, looking for the best, never thinking about taking advantage of the government, having the government’s favours,” said Zezé Di Camargo.

He concluded: “I’m not Bolsonaro, I’m not Lula, I’m Brazil. And what I think is best, I will cheer for. I’m neither left nor right, but I think Brazil must be fine no matter who is in power.”

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Singer Zezé Di Camargo ends up Singer Zezé Di Camargo ends up “cheating,” which he recently publicly declared, explaining his reasons for such a decision

The daughter on the BBB?

During the conversation, the Sertanejo singer opened up about the rumors that his daughter Wanessa would attend Globos BBB: “I’m watching this conversation but she didn’t tell me anything. It’s her life, I direct some things, I give advice. But if a decision she makes conflicts with mine, I will support her. Son, after he grows up, he belongs to the world.”

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