Rebekah Vardy “faces a court date over the Wagatha Christie brand” after appeal

Rebekah Vardy ‘faces court hearing over Wagatha Christie brand’ after ‘laundry company complaint’

Rebekah Vardy is reportedly facing a new court date over her Wagatha Christie after alleged complaints were received from a lingerie company.

The 41-year-old media personality famously sued Coleen Rooney for defamation in the Supreme Court – and lost – after Coleen claimed in October 2019 that stories about her were leaked to the press via Rebekah’s social media account.

She later hit back after the showdown by trademarking the iconic Wagatha Christie line “cash-in.”

However, a new report on Saturday suggested WAG could be “put to the test” yet again after homewares brand Christy claimed Rebekah’s brand was too similar to theirs.

According to The Mirror, the company has “filed a complaint with the Intellectual Property Office”.

Court: Rebekah Vardy, 41, is reportedly

Court: Rebekah Vardy, 41, is reportedly “facing a new court date over her Wagatha Christie” after complaints were filed by a lingerie company

A source told the publication, “The last thing Becky needs is to be put to the test all over again.”

Web has reached out to Rebekah and Christy’s representatives for comment.

Coined by comedian Dan Atkinson in 2019, “Wagatha Christie” was coined eight months ago by London Entertainment Inc Ltd. registered as a trademark.

Rebekah’s brand spans broadcasting, clothing, soft drinks, education and beauty, and she now has the right to authorize its use by others.

A source told The Sun in April: “That trademark is Becky’s two fingers on Coleen and all the misery associated with ‘Wagatha Christie’. Becky is smart and knew people would try to capitalize on that phrase.

“She now owns the UK brand and would consider expanding to other territories if she feels the need to do so.”

“If someone wanted to print the logo on a mug, for example, they would be infringing on the trademark if they didn’t ask permission. However, in some respects it is a legal gray area that will be decided on a case-by-case basis.”

During the Supreme Court trial, Ms Judge Steyn said in her July ruling that it was “probable” that Ms Vardy’s agent Caroline Watt took “the direct action” of leaking information to The Sun.

Drama: The media personality famously sued Coleen Rooney for defamation in the High Court - and lost - but later hit back by trademarking the iconic Wagatha Christie phrase 'cash-in' (pictured during the May 2022 court hearing) .

Drama: The media personality famously sued Coleen Rooney for defamation in the Supreme Court – and lost – but later hit back by trademarking the iconic Wagatha Christie phrase ‘cash-in’ (pictured during the May 2022 court hearing) .

History: The term Wagatha Christie, coined by comedian Dan Atkinson in 2019, was coined eight months ago by London Entertainment Inc Ltd.  registered as a trademark

History: The term Wagatha Christie, coined by comedian Dan Atkinson in 2019, was coined eight months ago by London Entertainment Inc Ltd. registered as a trademark

Showdown: Rebekah's brand spans broadcasting, clothing, soft drinks, education and beauty and she now has the right to authorize use by others (Rebekah, above, Coleen, above in 2016)

Showdown: Rebekah’s brand spans broadcasting, clothing, soft drinks, education and beauty and she now has the right to authorize use by others (Rebekah, above, Coleen, above in 2016)

The judge said: “The evidence clearly shows, in my opinion, that Ms Vardy was aware of and condoned and actively engaged in this conduct.”

Rebekah was ordered to pay up to £1.5million in Coleen’s legal fees after losing the case, but she continues to insist she was not to blame.

And in the documentary series Vardy vs Rooney: The Wagatha Trial, Rebekah also claims that a mole still leaks Rooney stories to The Sun – which she believes also proves her innocence.

“The irony is that since I was unfollowed, stories about the Rooneys have circulated in abundance,” she said.

Wagatha Christie timeline: how the war between Coleen and Rebekah unfolded

September 2017 to October 2019 – The Sun publishes a series of fake articles about Coleen, which it claims she only told Vardy as part of a “stab operation”, including saying that she traveled to Mexico to meet with the ” “Gender Selection” treatment in babies, her plan to revive her television career, and flood her basement.

October 9, 2019 – Coleen took to social media to accuse Rebekah of selling stories from her personal Instagram account to the tabloids. It prompts #WagathaChristie to start trending.

February 13, 2020 – In a tearful appearance on ITV’s ‘Loose Women’, Rebekah says the stress of the argument caused her to have severe anxiety attacks and “ended up in hospital three times”.

June 23, 2020 – It turns out that Rebekah has filed a defamation case against Coleen.

19-20 November 2020 – The defamation case takes place for the first time in London before the High Court. A judge concludes that in her October 2019 submission, Coleen “clearly identified” Rebekah as “guilty of a serious and persistent breach of trust.”

Judge Warby concluded that the “natural and ordinary” meaning of the posts was that Rebekah “had regularly and frequently abused her status as a trusted follower of Coleen’s personal Instagram account by secretly informing The Sun about Coleen’s private posts and.” stories informed”.

February 8-9, 2022 – A series of sensitive messages between Rebekah and her agent Caroline Watt – which Coleen’s attorneys claim relate to her – are revealed at a preliminary court hearing.

Coleen’s lawyers are looking for more information from the WhatsApp messages, but the court is told Ms Watt’s phone fell in the North Sea after a boat she was on struck a wave before more information came out could be won.

Feb. 14 – Coleen is denied permission to file a lawsuit in the Supreme Court against Ms. Watt for misappropriation of private information, to be heard alongside the defamation suit. A Supreme Court Justice, Ms. Justice Steyn, says the bid was made too late and earlier avenues to pursue the lawsuit were missed.

April 13 – Ms Watt is unable to testify orally in the forthcoming defamation trial, the Supreme Court is told as the case is remanded for a further hearing.

From May 10th – The process begins.

July 29 – Rebekah loses her defamation case against Coleen, with the judge ruling that the allegations against her are “essentially true.”