Pope talks wars, artificial intelligence and future travel cancaonova.com

In an interview with the Italian newspaper La Stampa, Francisco addressed several topics, recalling the conclave in which he was elected: “We need a pope like you.”

From the Editor, with Vatican News

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Photo: Alessia Giuliani/Catholic Press Photo/IPA via Portal Connect

War in the Middle East, artificial intelligence, upcoming travel. These were some of the topics Pope Francis addressed in an interview with Vatican expert Domenico Agasso. The conversation between the two was published in the Italian newspaper La Stampa on the morning of this Monday 29th.

Speaking about the ongoing wars in the world, the Pope invited everyone to pray for peace. Pointing out that the planet is on the edge of an abyss, he called for an end to the hostility, an immediate stop to bombs and missiles, and pointed out that dialogue was the only possible way.

Referring to the conflict between Israel and the radical group Hamas in the Middle East, the Holy Father explained that wars should not be justified because “they are always wrong.” He also referred to the role of Guardian of the Holy Land, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, “a crucial figure” who “acts well” and tries to mediate between the two sides. Francisco pointed out that “private meetings will be held to reach an agreement” and acknowledged that “a ceasefire would already be a good result.”

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He also spoke about the war in Ukraine, which will soon be two years old. The Pope reminded us of this Mission of the President of the Italian Bishops' Conference, Cardinal Matteo Zuppiand reiterated that “the Holy See is trying to mediate the exchange of prisoners and the return of Ukrainian civilians,” particularly the repatriation of children forcibly taken to Russia.

Blessings, artificial intelligence and travel

The Pope also spoke about this in the interview Explanation Fiducia supplicans, which deals with the pastoral meaning of blessing. He affirmed that “Christ calls everyone” and that “the Gospel should sanctify everyone,” and pointed to the need to give precise instructions for the Christian life emphasizing that it is not the association that is blessed, but the people. Furthermore, he emphasized that the declaration “aims to include, not to divide” and that it “invites us to welcome people and then entrust them and entrust ourselves to God.”

Another topic raised by the Holy Father was artificial intelligence, his topic Message for the 58th World Communication Day. He defined it as “a beautiful step forward that can solve many problems, but which, if used unethically, can also potentially cause great harm to human beings.” In this sense, he emphasized that technology must “always be in harmony with human dignity”.

Francisco then talked about his future travels. He mentioned, as before, The destinations are Belgium, East Timor, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. In addition, he spoke about the “hypothesis” of visiting his homeland and confirmed that he would meet the new President of Argentina, Javier Milei, shortly after the canonization of Argentina's Saint Mama Antula, scheduled for February 11.

The pastor of a planetary church

Finally, the Pope recalled the conclave in which he was elected, which will be 11 years old. He recalled that he made a decisive speech at the general meetings before the vote. “As I was leaving the synod hall,” he said, “an Englishspeaking cardinal saw me and shouted, 'What you said is very good!' Nice. Nice. “We need a pope like you.”

The Holy Father also shared that at lunch on March 13, 2013, he realized that “something strange was happening.” Still, he reported, he managed to “take a nap” after dinner, and when he was finally elected, he felt “a surprising sense of peace” within him.

Finally, Francisco expressed that he felt like “a priest.” I come from a very large, planetary church, of course, but I like to keep the spirit of a pastor. And be among people. Where I always find God,” he concluded.

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