Stefano De Martino, the gesture that leaves no way out: Unfortunately, it sounds like a confirmation Solo Spettacolo

A terrible confirmation comes from De MartinoStefano De Martino solo spettacolo

Stefano De Martino breaks the hearts of his fans in two. His gesture speaks volumes. Confirm everything.

He has come a long way Stephen DeMartino Since he was almost 18 years old, he has made a name for himself as an excellent dancer, both among the general public and among insiders Friends. The talent He will always carry it in his heart, but not only for that reason, albeit certainly very important and crucial to his career.

In fact, he met his dear friend there Maria DeFilippi but also the woman who stole his heart, whom he married and who found it back Father from Santiago. Then he was present in the ranks of professional dancers and they, the diva BelenShe had been specifically called to dance with him. Their love also caused a stir because he was still engaged at the time Emma Brown.

The fact is that the singer from Salento was also a guest recently her rival to Le Iene and demonstrated great harmony. The fact is that it is now the Argentine showgirl out of not only from the program mentioned above and from Tu sì que vales, but from the Mediaset networks as a whole. she thanked the company of biscione for years of collaboration with a story uploaded to Instagram.

Stefano, a bright future, but only at work

Stephen instead it was like this super confirmed to Rai where it has been operating with great success for years. After all, it is now increasingly being introduced as showman and after bewitching us in the theater for him in the last few months too the future of workas well as for the truth also the present, it is very rosy. Apparently, that cannot be said about his private life, from which he suffered another shock.

And that will certainly cause a lot of displeasure among his fans. We started talking about new and powerful things Crisis between him and his wife Belen e Now the weekly Chi has published many photographs portraying her in the company of‘ charming Elio. Now he’s the one who makes her heart beat faster. Stephen For his part, he confirmed his departure from the diva a public gesture. As always, he didn’t do anything obvious.

A terrible confirmation comes from De MartinoThe discussed post on Instagram Solospettacolo

With a gesture he confirmed the farewell

Put simply How On Instagram, he shared a post shared by the Nuclear Tactical Penguins group. A sign reads: “Leave me the way you want to find me“. As a comment, Riccardo Zanotti, star of the group, wrote: “In the bathroom I read this sentence that was very close to my heart.” I think it’s one of the most romantic things you can say to us at the end of a relationship: Leave me the way you want to find me“.

And here, obviously, a resemblance to what is happening cannot be overlooked Stephen. Shortly after, the singer added: “Even if we don’t love each other anymore, don’t destroy me. You don’t have to get hurt“. In short, they seem to be the words that the showman himself could have thought or written his ex which is now becoming more and more distant.

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