US primaries, Super Tuesday results live | Donald Trump wins in a landslide in 6 states

• Tuesday, March 5, is the most intense day of the US primaries: 15 states will vote to determine who will be the Republican and Democratic candidates for the White House
• The Democratic vote is clear: essentially only incumbent President Joe Biden is in the race. All eyes are on the battle between Donald Trump and Nikki Haley in the Republican House of Representatives, even as the polls give Trump a clear advantage.

2:32 a.m. – Biden and Trump on their way to a big victory in Texas

Joe Biden and Donald Trump are also on their way to victory in their respective primaries in Texas: after vote counting has begun, the President of the United States is currently ahead with 86% of the vote, while Trump is at over 70%.

2:17 a.m. – 6 states have already been attributed to the former president: Virginia, North Carolina, Alabama, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Maine

(Massimo Gaggi) Biden also wins in Massachusetts, another state on the Atlantic coast. Then comes a second wave of announcements: the inland states also begin to close and Biden (who has practically no competitors) is immediately declared the winner in Alabama, Oklahoma and Tennessee. The publicity for Trump taking on Nikki Haley is slower coming. However, the former president is declared the winner in Alabama, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Maine, while the first data from the polls in Texas (the giant of today's primaries along with California) puts Trump ahead with 72% of the vote, while Haley is at 22 %. However, in Massachusetts and Vermont, Haley holds around 45%: which still prevents the victory from being attributed to Trump.

2:10 a.m. – Trump's landslide victory (and the former tycoon, meanwhile, asks Elon Musk to finance his race for the White House)

(Massimo Gaggi) Joe Biden has been declared the winner based on exit polls in Virginia, Vermont, North Carolina. Donald Trump also wins in Virginia and North Carolina, while the initial lead over Nikki Haley in Vermont is too small to give him victory here.

As data begins to pour in from states across America's East Coast, the first of the 16 voters in the Super Tuesday primaries to close the polls and begin counting amid apparent victory announcements from the two “grand old men” of American politics Other news emerges: On Sunday, Trump met with Elon Musk in Palm Beach to discuss his willingness to become a major donor to his campaign. The former president, who has spent heavily on lawyers to handle the lawsuits against him and does not want to compromise his personal fortune, is looking for donors. Many conservative billionaires who turned their backs on him in the hope of producing alternative candidates have not yet “come back.” And so “The Donald” focuses on the Tesla, SpaceX and Twitter-X entrepreneur. Just yesterday, Musk lost the crown of the world's richest man to Amazon's Jeff Bezos, but still has a fortune of around $200 billion. And in his increasingly pronounced shift to the right after condemning a left that he says is now guided by “woke” radicalism, he also sees Biden’s confirmation to the White House as a disgrace.

1:53 a.m. – From the Biden campaign: “Trump shortly before the nomination”

In the same minutes that the first data from the Super Tuesday primaries in the US were coming in, Joe Biden's campaign launched a new fundraising campaign that established Donald Trump's nomination among the Republicans as certain in the face of the presidential race in November: “This month – it says in the message sent to Democratic donors via cell phones – thousands upon thousands of people across the country helped re-elect Joe Biden and keep Donald Trump out of the White House. But there is one thing: Today is Super Tuesday and Trump is closer than ever to his nomination.”

1:43 a.m. – Biden wins in North Carolina and Vermont

According to CNN forecasts, Joe Biden won the Democratic primary in North Carolina, which will take 116 delegates to the August convention in Chicago. The US President also won the primary elections in the state in 2020. The president also won in Vermont, where 16 delegates were up for election.

1:37 a.m. – Trump wins in North Carolina

Donald Trump wins the Republican primary in North Carolina, a state that could be crucial to his victory in November's presidential election. According to CNN's preliminary projections, the former president won the 74 delegates the state will send to this summer's Republican convention, beating former ambassador Nikki Haley.

– The Trump rapper Forgiato Blow in Mar-a-Lago (Photo Viviana Mazza)

Among the cheering crowd gathered at the tycoon's Mar-a-Lago mansion rejoicing in the results was Kurt Jantz, the rapper Forgiato Blow, the former president's supporter and self-proclaimed pioneer of Trumpist hip-hop. Hop genres is from MAGA rap.

– The celebration of Trump supporters at Mar-a-Lago after the victory in North Carolina (Photo Viviana Mazza)

1:27 a.m. – Trump and Biden win in Virginia

Donald Trump wins the Republican primary in Virginia. Joe Biden also won for the Democrats in the state, which has 99 delegates.

00:38 – Biden will watch the Super Tuesday results from the White House

US President Joe Biden will follow the results of Super Tuesday minute by minute from the White House. This was announced by his spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre. “You will be kept updated on what will happen tonight as we monitor the election across the country,” the spokeswoman said at a White House news conference. Biden then used his social media accounts to urge voters in the 15 states where primaries are taking place this Tuesday to go to the polls. “Now is the time to make your voice heard,” the president said.

00:21 – Joe Biden has won the Iowa caucuses

Joe Biden won the Iowa caucuses with 11,083 votes and 40 delegates. An obvious result for the American president, who is practically alone on the field. MP Dean Phillips received 362 votes and Marianne Williamson received 268 votes. The “non-committal”, i.e. non-aligned, voters who are critical of the Biden administration's policies in the Gaza conflict received 480 votes.

Four years ago in Iowa, Biden, who had more than five strong opponents at the time, came fourth: in 2020, Pete Buttigieg, who later became Secretary of Transportation in the Biden administration, won. In 2016, it was Hillary Clinton who defeated Bernie Sanders.

00:08 – Trump waits to party at the “Winter White House” at Mar-a-Lago

(Viviana Mazza, sent to Palm Beach) It is at Mar-a-Lago, his second home (which became his first after the presidency) with 118 rooms – including 58 bedrooms, 33 bathrooms and a 72-foot tower – that Donald Trump has decided to celebrate the results of SuperTuesday, which bring him closer to the Republican nomination for the White House in 2024, on this island two hours from Miami, where the second homes of many rich Americans are located, including the Koch brothers , who lived as far south as the Carolina primary in February, were the main financiers of Trump's rival Nikki Haley. That this was the “Winter White House” was the dream of “grain” heiress Marjorie Merriweather Post, who built this exotic private estate in the 1920s and then left it to the federal government. But since no president came there and the government didn't want to pay a million dollars a year for maintenance, it was sold in 1985 at rock-bottom prices to the then 39-year-old real estate developer from New York, who had just built his Trump Tower.

– Waiting for the results of Super Tuesday in one of the rooms of Donald Trump's mansion in Mar-a-Lago: from here the tycoon will speak (Photo Viviana Mazza)

Here in Palm Beach the houses are very white and you don't see any trash on the street and there are a lot of rules: historical buildings are not allowed to be modified, the noise that the vacuum cleaners emit from fallen leaves on the asphalt cannot exceed 65 decibels, and if you display an American flag on your property, the pole must not exceed 40 feet in height. But Trump did it his way: his flag is 4.5 by 7.6 meters and the mast is 24 meters high. When the community forced him to pay $250 for each day the flag flew, Trump complained on television that Palm Beach had not done so. I don't appreciate his patriotism. Then he ignored the fine, which increased to $120,000, and sued the city for $25 million. The accusation: of having violated his constitutional right to freedom of expression. In the end, Trump dropped the complaint and ensured that the pole reached a height of 21 meters. In return, he donated $100,000 to war veterans, demonstrating his patriotism. Palm Beach Post commentator Frank Cerabino wrote that Trump is “a man always at war with everyone, always aiming to achieve something new, and woe betide anyone who gets in his way.”

– Donald Trump's mansion in Mar-a-Lago (Photo Viviana Mazza)

7:45 p.m. – The point of the situation

(Matteo Castellucci) How many states do you vote in?
15 of them, plus American Samoa. The full list is in alphabetical order: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado (where Trump was reinstated by the Supreme Court), Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia. California and Texas represent the heaviest “package”: they are worth 169 and 161 delegates, respectively. In practice, more than a third of the 2,429 Republican delegates are used (approx. 35%). Translated: If Trump wins tonight, it will already be over, it will only be a matter of weeks (the next rounds are March 12th and 19th) before he exceeds the fateful odds of 1,215: at the moment he is at 276 , Haley at 43 . L The stated goal of his campaign for this Super Tuesday is to acquire 773 of the 854 players up for grabs.

In the Democratic House of Representatives – where, as noted, there is no consensus – 1,968 delegates are needed to unlock the nomination, and 1,420 will be allocated tonight. This Tuesday, but in 2020, the fortunes of Biden's candidacy recovered, winning 10 of 14 states and overtaking Bernie Sanders, who had been in the lead until then.

When will we know the results?
The first polling stations in Virginia and Vermont close at 7 a.m. local time, i.e. 1 a.m. Italian time. However, the other major states finish voting an hour or two later. The preliminary results will therefore be available in the middle of the night: To give you an idea, the “marathons” on American television begin prime time around 4 a.m.